Monday, January 2, 2012

The New Year

New Year's Resolution is a bit of a misnomer in my history. Five minutes before midnight on December 31st I try and think of something I would like to do that year and forget about it 2 days later (at best). That, my friends, is not approaching something with resolve. Resolve is determination. Resolve is that stuff I spray on the red wine stain and my carpet before taking a brush to it with all my elbow grease. Resolve is knowing that if I don't get rid of that stain, my landlady is going to be mad and charge my broke medical school butt.  So this year, I want to bring determination to my resolution. I will work at my resolution like that wine stain on the carpet.

Making a good resolution also means knowing yourself. At first I thought I would take and edit a new photo everyday. Well, there is no way I will finish my project if I have to take a new photo everyday. So, this year I resolve to edit and post a photo everyday. Well considering it is January 2nd I'm already a day behind but that's okay. I'm going to let being behind be okay.

So photo numero uno:

This photo was taken of our barn in Vermont. My grandfather purchased it in 1972 along with the accompanying farm house and over 100 acres of property. This was a huge upgrade from the trailer he had bought so the family could ski in the winter. While the town hall burned down taking the records of the house with it, estimates based on the post and beam architecture put it at somewhere around 200 years old. Up until the 1970's this was a working dairy farm. Now we share the old farm house (not pictured) with my family.

I'll be posting a new picture tonight to keep up with my resolution.

1 comment:

  1. I like your years resolution. I love that you're going to take and post a new photo every day. That's a tough resolution to make but I bet you're going to be so great at photography by the end of the year :)
